If you suffer a brain injury in a crash, you may also experience some of the most damaging symptoms. One potential symptom is memory loss. While this can significantly reduce your quality of life, you should know that it can also impact your compensation claim.
It’s vital to recognize what your rights are after a crash and how to protect them. Below, we will detail how memory loss may impact a claim, but more importantly, what to look out for from insurance adjusters.
Insurance Adjusters Use It Against You
Insurance adjusters protect profits over people. They want to ensure they can make money, which means they want to pay out much less than people deserve after a crash. If you suffer memory loss after a crash, insurance adjusters will look into how they can position that fact against you.
An insurance adjuster might try to say that you can’t remember the accident and the moments leading up to it correctly. They might try to discredit your claim and any statements you made, saying that your testimony is unreliable because of the injuries you sustained.
It Can Minimize Your Claim
If insurance adjusters can somehow use this against you, it can impact how much compensation you may recover for your injuries. Insurance companies care more about making money than they do your health, so they’re quick to use any advantage they have to discredit your claim.
The most effective thing you can do to protect yourself after a crash is to document as much information as possible. Take photos and statements down if you can. The more you can preserve, the less the insurance company can use your memory loss as a reason to deny your claim.
Our Cleveland car accident attorneys at Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP are here to help you every step of the way. Trust that we will be your guide and voice when you need us most to seek the compensation you need and deserve.