For many students, college is not just a place of learning, it’s
a second home, which is why safety should always be a top priority on
campus. In a 2010 study, The National Center for Victims of Crime stated
that 92,695 crimes were reported to college and university campus police.
53.2 percent of those crimes were aggravated assault; 18.1 percent were
forcible rape. Considering these shocking statistics, it begs the question
as to how can college students raise awareness about these issues and
contribute to a safer environment?
Creating awareness is not about inciting panic or suspicion. It is about acknowledging crime and working together as a community to support one another, as well as helping individuals recognize potentially dangerous situations. Safety is achieved when campus staff, faculty and students work together and share the responsibility of crime prevention.
The responsibility of crime prevention can take many forms. For example, increasing security patrols, both on foot and in cars, may deter perpetrators from committing crimes for fear of being caught. Likewise, eliminating blind spots in dark areas through increased lighting can contribute to a sense of safety in addition to the heightened presence of security.
The more interaction there is between college staff and students, the greater sense of community there will be. This will help staff identify students who may be upset or enduring a difficult time, and will allow students the opportunity to communicate their concerns to someone who may be able to offer them advice or help find a solution. Creating awareness should be a partnership, but a school ultimately has a responsibility to care for the students who place their trust in them and look to them for guidance.
Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP is hosting its 2017 Video PSA Scholarship Contest, inviting students who share our passion about important social issues to participate by submitting an original 30 to 60 second video on the following topics:
- What can college students do to raise awareness about campus safety issues?
- How can we help raise awareness about privacy and online security in the digital age?
- How can we help to raise awareness about Traumatic Brain Injuries and prevention?
- How can young people raise awareness and help prevent human trafficking?
Read the full details of our scholarship contest here.
To learn more about college campus safety, visit the National Center for Campus Public Safety.